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#142612 - 04/02/05 08:19 PM First "Song" on the Fantom
Pennywizz6 Offline

Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
Heres quick (quickly made that is) alternating arpeggio accoustic guitar piece i made earlier today. Its not really what id normal make, but I just really liked the accoustic sound, and the alternating dynamics of the strum is IMO outstanding, I backed it up with some strings in the back, it adds a little bit more, and give it a much more tranquil sound. Kinda nice to listen too.


[This message has been edited by Pennywizz6 (edited 04-02-2005).]

#142613 - 04/02/05 10:37 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Sheriff Offline

Registered: 02/18/05
Posts: 965
Loc: Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
It sounds a little bit like you're able to make anything you dream of...hey, really not bad! The guitar sounds nearly like a real one and the strings sounds so transparent that I wish to hear some more instruments out of this little synth...really good ROMsamples...respect!!!

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)

#142614 - 04/02/05 10:48 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Ohrenarzt Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 10/15/02
Posts: 23
What a shocking piece of crap.

#142615 - 04/02/05 11:00 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Pennywizz6 Offline

Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
Originally posted by Ohrenarzt:
What a shocking piece of crap.

Excuse me? This is not suppose to be any sort of award winning piece. It is something I whipped up in literally 5 minutes to demonstrate the capabilities of this board by its sound and arpeggiator. Watch what you say...


[This message has been edited by Pennywizz6 (edited 04-02-2005).]

#142616 - 04/02/05 11:17 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Ohrenarzt Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 10/15/02
Posts: 23
Then keep it to yourself. If you put it in public you have to live with the response.

#142617 - 04/02/05 11:25 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Pennywizz6 Offline

Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
Well jusitify your opinions! If you say somethign totally sucks, why, what is your reason for making such crude comments? Thats how people learn, thats how people exspand their talent.


#142618 - 04/02/05 11:46 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Smurf Offline

Registered: 10/01/04
Posts: 57
Loc: Ohio
I sort of like it. They are some nice sounds.

Hey Ohrenarzt, got a link to any of your tunes?

#142619 - 04/02/05 11:50 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Ohrenarzt Offline
Junior Member

Registered: 10/15/02
Posts: 23
In brief: uninspired guitar fumbling without any concept, strings and guitar full of wrong notes, non-existing articulation.
The world is polluted with the results of such low ability. Just because you can make it available to the public does not mean you should do it. Practice in the privacy of your home first.
This posting has been brought to you by the
Better Music In This World Initiative

#142620 - 04/02/05 11:53 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Alone&Forsaken Offline

Registered: 12/01/04
Posts: 120
"Well jusitify your opinions! If you say somethign totally sucks, why, what is your reason for making such crude comments? Thats how people learn, thats how people exspand their talent."

lol when someone ignores the fact you told them forthright you did something real quick, what could they justify. Past that nice enough arp...I for one am happy to hear something from you just days after you have gotten the board...can fill in the blanks that things will be enhanced as you work with the board more. to some of my random keyboard driven stuff.

Beyond all that...the only things I would do to the track you linked up. Make the guitar a bit less busy, give it a solid progression...add in a bass of some form, perhaps toss in some sustained chords ( with pads/organs/eps so on and the like ), then top it off with a melody that interacts kinda answer and call with the guitar picking/bass line/chords.

[This message has been edited by Alone&Forsaken (edited 04-02-2005).]

#142621 - 04/03/05 12:09 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Pennywizz6 Offline

Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
Thanks for the suggestions A&F. I really liked some of the stuff on your site, especially shotgun. It sounds kinda like Metallica, is it all done on the board? or is there other live instruments?

I might continue and actually make a song out of the basis that a made earlier, but like I said its not my style, and dont typically play with any of that sort of sounds. But it is fun to play with no doubt, no matter how much it might suck . I do agree with you to some extent Ohrenarzt, but this is pure nothingness, a simple little sample, with really no intention but to demonstrate and has no real music involved.


[This message has been edited by Pennywizz6 (edited 04-02-2005).]

#142622 - 04/03/05 12:47 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Alone&Forsaken Offline

Registered: 12/01/04
Posts: 120
"Thanks for the suggestions A&F. I really liked some of the stuff on your site, especially shotgun. It sounds kinda like Metallica, is it all done on the board? or is there other live instruments?"

Random "demo" stuff I toss out from time to time. Shotgun is all keyboard with the exception of the guitar. Beyond that glad you enjoyed some of the stuff.

"I might continue and actually make a song out of the basis that a made earlier, but like I said its not my style, and dont typically play with any of that sort of sounds. But it is fun to play with no doubt, no matter how much it might suck . I do agree with you to some extent Ohrenarzt, but this is pure nothingness, a simple little sample, with really no intention but to demonstrate and has no real music involved."

Screwing around is screwing around...nothing wrong with that. The only time I have a reaction like Ohrenarzt's is when someone gives you "this is the best music ever made!!!" line then links to something far removed from their claim.

You went though HELL to get your do whatever the heck you want with it

Edit so English isnt 100% pissed.

[This message has been edited by Alone&Forsaken (edited 04-02-2005).]

#142623 - 04/03/05 03:11 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Carrie-uk Offline

Registered: 02/23/04
Posts: 168
Loc: England
Phil, it irritates the crap out of me to read such harsh comments about ANYTHING someone creates musically and posts on here.

For one, I love hearing what people do with the new synths that are out now, whether a full-fledged song, or just 'playing around'. It doesn't matter! The playing around often leads to new inspiration for something great!

I hope you're not put off and keep posting new music for those of us who LOVE listening to it!


#142624 - 04/03/05 06:29 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
mikeathome1 Offline

Registered: 08/23/04
Posts: 1208
Loc: Syracuse NY
Originally posted by Ohrenarzt:
What a shocking piece of crap.

A little comment from a little person who is frustrated with his own life and has bacically nothing to say or share but likes to stand in the shadow and shout it to the world. As if anybody cares.

I thought the guitar sound was real nice and would like to hear more from you and your keyboard.

[This message has been edited by mikeathome1 (edited 04-03-2005).]

#142625 - 04/03/05 07:02 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
OldNewb Offline

Registered: 01/19/04
Posts: 638
Loc: Shorewood Wi. USA
I enjoyed listening to the "Piece of MUSIC" you posted. Whether you spent 2, 3, 5, minutes or 5 hours on it matters not to me. There are many many nuances to music and I appreciate each and every one of them. I can also appreciate your joy in your instrument and can forsee a long symbiotic relationship for you and your Fantom.
I also appreciate your courage and generosity in posting such a remarkable piece of music. May I suggest a title?
Though is has been used many times for different pieces, I think a very fitting name could simply be "Variations on a Theme"
Thanks for sharing.
Which reminds me, I should try and share something one of these days also.
ahhhhh, perhaps "Remembering" could be a fitting title.
Also, I think even if you do it as nothing more than an exercise, I hope you expound on what you have created.

The old Newb

[This message has been edited by OldNewb (edited 04-03-2005).]
Thank You
The old Newb

#142626 - 04/03/05 07:22 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Smokey Offline

Registered: 10/04/03
Posts: 97
Loc: Colorado
Nice guitar sounds. I would like to hear more voices from you and your Fantom. Don't let anyone stop you from playing.

#142627 - 04/03/05 08:59 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
travlin'easy Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/08/02
Posts: 15578
Loc: Forest Hill, MD USA

Keep at it and don't let the one turkey get you down.

Keep in mind that rude, nasty, non-construtive comment came from a person who joined the forum in 2002, and during the three years he has been a member of the forum, he has contributed absolutely nothing noteworthy. With 8 total posts in three years, he could hardly be listed as an active participant, let alone a resident expert. Additionally, when challenged to submit some reference to his musical tallents for others to comment on, he merely posted another holier than thou comment and sulked back to the rock from whence he crawled from beneath.

Keep em' comin' kid!

PSR-S950, TC Helicon Harmony-M, Digitech VR, Samson Q7, Sennheiser E855, Custom Console, and lots of other silly stuff!

K+E=W (Knowledge Plus Experience = Wisdom.)

#142628 - 04/03/05 09:17 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
loungelyzard Offline

Registered: 10/31/04
Posts: 535
Loc: North Eastern Calif.
Originally posted by Ohrenarzt:
In brief: uninspired guitar fumbling without any concept, strings and guitar full of wrong notes, non-existing articulation.
The world is polluted with the results of such low ability. Just because you can make it available to the public does not mean you should do it. Practice in the privacy of your home first.
This posting has been brought to you by the
Better Music In This World Initiative

I read......

I answer....
In brief: Uninspired mind ramblings without any concept of talent to social behavior, or the ability to relate to others, musical knowledge non-existant.

The world is polluted with the results of low ability. Just because you can make demeaning remark in public dosn't mean you should do it. Practice in the privacy of your home useing words like this on your loveone's first.

This posting has been brought to you by your elders, so listen up son......

Phil: That is a good sounding guitar...Pose

[This message has been edited by loungelyzard (edited 04-03-2005).]
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#142629 - 04/04/05 08:59 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
captain Russ Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 01/02/04
Posts: 7306
Loc: Lexington, Ky, USA
Phil is one of my favorite young people. I'm trusting him to do a website for me and admire his enthusiasm and dedication.

You have to remember, he's 15 YEARS OLD!That's youngr than some of our kids and grandkids. What a shame to be anything less than supportive.

SOMEONE NEEDS TO GROW UP, and it "ain't" Phil!


(Hey, rained AGAIN on Saturday, and was cold yesterday. We're trying for photos today. Sorry it's taking so long, but we'll get them to you ASAP)

Hang in there!


#142630 - 04/04/05 09:53 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Sheriff Offline

Registered: 02/18/05
Posts: 965
Loc: Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Hey, Ohrenarzt!!!
Maybe you need an Augenarzt for better reading? Phil made a little demonstration of the synth's sound abilities not a song for winning any prices.
You're totally out of line!

I'm still awaiting more from you and I didn't forget that you wanted more from me too but it will last a little while until the tech problems in studio are cleared...

Keep on rocking - never stopping!

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)

[This message has been edited by Sheriff (edited 04-04-2005).]
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)

#142631 - 04/04/05 03:57 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
btweengigs Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 09/09/02
Posts: 2204
Loc: Florida, USA
I enjoyed the demonstration..and the alternating strums were, as you say, awesome.

As far as the negative and rude comment you got, that kind of senseless posting is similar to the occassional rude person I run into at gigs. Tune 'em out.


#142632 - 04/04/05 09:01 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Darksounds Offline

Registered: 12/04/04
Posts: 57
I have to say I'm quite irritated by Ohrenartzt's comments though with a name like that one should expect a poster who's overly critical and stuck up . That's exactly why so many people never try anything because someone puts them down for no reason .

I like the demo.

#142633 - 04/04/05 09:10 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Pennywizz6 Offline

Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
Thanks to those with the kind comments and advice Well Today i made an actual song, heck it might not be the best, but it was fun to write and I think some might appreciate it.



#142634 - 04/04/05 11:05 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
beachbum Offline

Registered: 11/18/02
Posts: 652
Loc: Austin
Hi Phil,
Nice job! keep up the good work... you only get better from here! Baby steps!
I don't steer the ship... I bail out the water...

#142635 - 04/05/05 12:04 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Sheriff Offline

Registered: 02/18/05
Posts: 965
Loc: Frankfurt, Hessen, Germany
Originally posted by Pennywizz6:
Well Today i made an actual song, heck it might not be the best, but it was fun to write and I think some might appreciate it...

Thanks for enjoying us, Phil!
A really good idea with some nice variations on drums. This song reminds me a little bit of Saga in some parts of the guitar (or string? it really sounds sometimes like the attack of a string in higher frequencies) but nevertheless a good picking.
The drums sound a bit too much bass balanced to my ears. Open the middle and trebble filters (or the equivalent equalizing parameters you have) a little bit more and the drums will sound more transparent. But I know that this is only a detail for the last mix. It's good and important that you've fixed your idea.

In live acts maybe the guitar should better be played by a real guitarist - and in this special case it should be a very good 'axeman'...hey, you're really sophisticated in music...

I really share your enthusiasm with your NEW synth. I remember when I bought my K2k - nobody could get me away from this piece of sound garden for a long, long time...after this time of exploring the 'heaven on earth' I started with congrete working with much more experience of this art so called sound engineering...

Make so on, Phil! You're on your way!!!

Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)
Greetings from Frankfurt (Germany),
Sheriff ;-)

#142636 - 04/05/05 06:54 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
ChicoBrasil Offline

Registered: 06/09/01
Posts: 993
Loc: Belo Horizonte,Minas Gerais,Br...
Hi Phil

Tks for sharing your nice job.
Congrats from Brazil

#142637 - 04/05/05 08:50 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Starkeeper Offline

Registered: 09/16/02
Posts: 1704
Loc: Toronto
Every day I receive a corporate communication email, at my work, with a quote of the day. This is yesterdays quote of the day, "After all this is over, all that will really have mattered is how we treated each other." Unknown

I play Roland EM20 and Yamaha PSR550

#142638 - 04/05/05 09:10 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Scottyee Offline
Senior Member

Registered: 12/01/99
Posts: 10427
Loc: San Francisco Bay Area, CA, US...
Hi Phil, finally had a chance to listen to your Fantom guitar work.Good work. Impressively realistic sounding & hypnotically tranquil with the string pad added.

Originally posted by Pennywizz6:
Its not really what id normal make

I'm looking forward now to hearing the music you'd 'normally' make (play). Looking forward to hearing more music created by you on your new Roland Fantom.


#142639 - 04/06/05 02:09 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Carrie-uk Offline

Registered: 02/23/04
Posts: 168
Loc: England
Hi Phil,

I'm assuming that was an arpeggiated electric guitar? It was interesting to hear because I'm so used to hearing synth sounds with a looping arpeggiator!

A nice melody over the top with piano or vox would make it even better, in my opinion.

Keep em coming!


#142640 - 04/06/05 08:27 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
Pennywizz6 Offline

Registered: 11/10/04
Posts: 434
Loc: Shakopee, MN, USA
Thanks for the compliments

Carrie, yep, that was an arpeggiated electric strat guitar. There is a slight vox underneath the sound, but its pretty faint. A strings pad was also added in the background.



#142641 - 04/07/05 07:52 AM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
RicFreak Offline

Registered: 08/07/02
Posts: 135
Loc: Italy
Originally posted by Ohrenarzt:
What a shocking piece of crap.

Ever heard about .. education???

You have your opinions and the right to express them. So you can say something like "Phil, I don't like your music" or, better, "Phil I don't like your music because ... "
But you cannot say/write as you done. Is this the way you talk to your family or friends?

Shame on you, Ohrenarzt!

#142642 - 04/07/05 04:43 PM Re: First "Song" on the Fantom
TresorTX Offline

Registered: 09/20/04
Posts: 95
Loc: Dallas, Boston, Orlando
Ohrenarzt, your comments are a shocking piece of crap.

I appreciate this forum where I can freely share ideas and gain VALUABLE INSIGHT from all you pro's as well as other newbie's like me who are trying like the dickens to figure it all out! Criticism is great when done in a spirit of helpfulness.

Ohrenarzt go find some trash website where you can spew your stupidity freely rather than pollute this one.

Sincerely, Russ
Russ Bolduc

PSR S900
Kurzweil PC3X
Logitech Z

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